I don’t have the words to explain to people that it’s the year 2021
100 Words: Mother’s Day
I told her yesterday: When something big happens, you’re still my first phone call.
100 Words: There’s a woman in the White House.
If you have a daughter, how do you find words to explain why no American President or Vice President has been a woman?
Continue reading “100 Words: There’s a woman in the White House.”
100 Words: Don’t boo. Vote.
Women’s Equality Day is celebrated annually on August 26, comemmorating the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution which prevented government from denying Americans the right to vote on the basis of sex.
100 Words: Sexism Is Alive and Well
Common complaint: “Everybody’s so sensitive. You can’t joke about anything anymore.”
Like, how fucking rude is it that I can’t even objectify women around my female friends without feeling uncomfortable? Ugh.
100 Words: Spreading Girl Love
Can we all agree that women have enough shit to deal with on the daily without absorbing criticism that comes from other women?