Hang Ten: Leacel Hillenbrand

Hang Ten is an easily-digested, quick-to-read interview series. I created it to pick the brains of some powerhouse women that I’ve been fortunate enough to know because of SFB. I fire off the questions, you give the answers.

There are only two options: Either you’ve been living under a rock, or you’ve heard about Jack Rabbit.

The unique bar/restaurant/music experience occupies the old J.P. Bullfeathers space in the heart of the Elmwood Village. Since normalcy (or some semblance of it) surged post-COVID vaccines, it’s been one of WNY’s most talked-about spots.

Enter: Leacel Hillenbrand, one of the four visionaries credited with bringing the concept of Jack Rabbit to life. To properly honor Leacel’s influence at Jack Rabbit, you’ll have to hit the bar. That’s her domain, and she’s responsible for developing a menu of determinedly-unfussy-yet-still-perfectly-delectable drinks.

Hang Ten

1. What’s the secret to “having it all”? Trust, passion, motivation.

2. What’s a word you overuse? Probably “dude”.

3. If you had to pick a random person in the street to compete against you in something, what would it be? Carbombs. I always win.

4. What’s the first thing you do in the morning? I guess snooze my alarm at least once, haha. Then turn Lenny (my gecko)’s lights on.

5. Who’s the most iconic female movie character? Dorothy comes to mind first, but I grew up with Hermione.

6. When you’re alone, where do you go? The park.

7. What’s something you’re still struggling to understand? Why people are so darn mean to each other.

8. What’s the biggest financial regret you have so far? Paying off my student loans before loan forgiveness came around.

9. If you had one message to share, what would it be? Stab your tickets! But if we’re looking for something serious, you just have to try. You’ll only know what you’re capable of when you do it!

10. Who’s the best feminist you know? Michelle Obama.



Leacel Hillenbrand is one-fourth of Jack Rabbit, a unique bar/restaurant experience in the Elmwood Village. Enjoy it for yourself – opening is around lunchtime, and they keep it going until late night (closed on Mondays). Follow them on Instagram @jackrabbitbuffalo.

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